Friday, May 15, 2009

Good quality, bad fashion

This is Caj. She doesn't normally look this distressed.

Fab, wearing vintage, couldn't believe the plethora of fugly dresses adorning the racks of our favorite store. So obviously we did what any girls would do. We tried them on.

Some were trainwrecks, some were pleasant surprises.

Let us know what you think.

All they had was a size four in this orange nightmare. Caj was swimming in it. But by holding in the sides, she made it look halfway decent. Luckily with the right skin tone, this dress actually works. On anyone else, not so much. This Tory Burch number complete with top beading is a good example of bad fashion being worn correctly.

After Caj tried on the orange disaster, a glimmering jewel in the distance caught her attention.

"Holy hell, is that a rhinestone belt?!" she shrieked. "Try it on RIGHT NOW."

Fab protested. But Caj wouldn't take no for an answer. "No, NOW. Right now."

And so it was...At first glance the green picnic dress appeared unworthy of so fashionable a girl, but we gave it the chance to shine. Fab somehow managed to make it work.

And oh, how it sparkles...

Caj perfected her Laura Bush impression. We all know she's more Jackie O.

Are you hypnotized by our bad fashion yet? Don't worry, there's more to come...

PS. Please don't ever wear the following ensemble so lovingly worn by Fab.

Oooh shiny stripes! Caj draped herself in a candy wrapper. Maybe she is looking for a job with Ringling Brothers...

Fab was all decked out in Easter's finest. All she was missing was a little wicker basket, a white bonnet, and some polished one and a half inch pumps. (Scuffing optional).

Caj was clearly pissed by the ill fitting dish rag. It was something a loser fresh out of design school made.

After an exhausting day of fugly clothes, walking from dressing room to dressing room, we needed a sugary reward.
To torture yourself and ruin all hopes of fitting into that new bikini, click here.

Caj bought the French Vanilla OOH La La on the left. It was whipped buttercream nirvana. Let's not forget the strawberry malt garnish on top.

Fab picked the Rasberry Lemonade, a sharp mixture of creamy icing and berries, with a tangy gum drop candy to finish it off.


  1. This looks like fun. I love doing the exact same thing, trying on clothes that I would never buy just for fun. I agree with a lot of your comments about the fuggly clothes, I think the candy wrapper dress is probably the best one.

  2. Awesome new blog, ladies! I liked some of those patterned dresses... especially the strapless one! But you know what I like even better? Cupcakes!


  3. hi! thanks for dropping by my blog.

    i really had fun reading this entry. i was laughing my a*ss off esp. w/ that rhinestone number. love ur sarcastic humor ladies!

    hopefully we'll see a real outfit post from you where you're both looking fab.

    btw, i added u on my blogroll. hope u dont mind.

  4. haha, looks like you guys had fun! all your comments are too funny
    and i actually like the purple jacket

  5. You both managed to make some ugly shit look pretty decent. And any day that ends in cupcakes is a day well-spent to me!

  6. P.S. I will add you lovelies to my Fellow Fashionistas blogroll!


  7. HAHAHA! The rhinestone belt. Hysteric.
    Your comments are priceless.

  8. thanks! and i'd love to exchange links :)

  9. What a really really cute post!
    But seriously, some of those clothes don't look half bad on you guys. It's really all in the way you carry yourself right? :)

    Swap links anyone?

  10. that's hilarious you tried them on
    might i make a suggestion .. perhaps you can get a bloglovin account .. thats how i follow my favorite blog s and i would liek to add you there ,
    so let me know if you do :)

  11. You girls seem like you had an awesome time! Running around in any shop and trying stuff on is always a great way to spend the day.


    PS: would like to invite you to enter my blog giveaway, I'm giving 2 headbands from my Gossip collection. ^-^

  12. Hi :)... can we exchange links??? Your blog is wonderful. I love the dresses :)

    >>> Becca

  13. yummy cupcakes and pretty dresses!

  14. love those prints!
